
Kidzania is now open in KL. Dave read about it in an airport magazine. It is a theme park -- kind of -- a miniature city where kids get to act out adult jobs. They get paid for the work they do, and can buy things from shops. Each job lasts about 20 minutes.

Maya chose to be a window washer, painter, pilot, nurse, firefighter, and gas station attendant. She got her nails done and her eyes checked at the doctor too.

Ethen was a bit too young to really enjoy this. I learned that he wants to do a job where NO UNIFORM is required. He threw a fit when we tried to dress him. The only thing he did was assemble a laptop in the Dell store. Later that day he had the symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease. Poor kid. I probably exposed all the kids at Kidzania. Good thing he just lounged in his stroller most of the time.

Here is Maya in the hospital nursery taking care of babies.  She gave them a bath, swabbed their eyes and belly button, put baby powder on them, swaddled them, gave them a bottle, and rocked them to sleep.

Here she is as a firefighter. They watched a video about fire safety. Then when the alarm sounded, they jumped on the fire truck, drove around the city and stopped to put the fire out.

**Sorry about the sound.  I've uploaded this several times, and it just won't work right.**


Dean Family said...

So Awesome! I miss you Shirlee...just hearing your voice on the video's brought back fond memories! Wow! what an amazing life you lead...your kids will be so versitle and understand so much more about other cultures. Love you! Sorry, I can't upload pic's on my blog...??!!

Robert said...

That is seriously such a cool idea. When are they opening one in the US. So great! - Bec