Recently Dave and I traveled to Switzerland to do a little house hunting. I don't recommend booking last-minute flights. Business class tix cost more than we spent on our car. Literally. Good thing we weren't paying. Though it was nice to have seats that lay completely flat and they even had a massage feature! The food on board was an experience all itself. I am such a meat and potatoes girl. I don't need any apricot coulis or sushi or polenta. I did manage a few bites of the goose. Who makes this stuff? (Answer: A chef from one of Donald Trump's clubs.) The big hunks of german chocolate were a nice touch though.
I wish I could have had my camera on our flight there. The view of the noonday sun on the snow-covered alps was breathtaking. You'll have to settle for a more blurry picture I took on the way home.
In Geneva we quickly discovered we didn't want to live in the city. Fortunately, to get out of the city is easy and quick. We toured 7 or 8 homes and some maternity clinics. We narrowed down our results to a new house (very rare in Geneva) in a town with a scrapbook store (+), a renovated farmhouse in the country where we'd definitely be immersed in the local culture, and one that was built when it was mandatory for all homes in Switzerland to have a nuclear fallout bunker.
We are happy to report that we just received confirmation that we will be living in Genthod, Switzerland, in the house built 3 years ago. It has a great yard for Maya and will be easy access to lots of things (including the scrapbook store).
Dave and I returned home and promptly caught the stomach virus that Maya picked up in Utah. We've had quite the miserable week, but hearing this news today has bouyed our spirits. Happy Thanksgiving all.
1 day ago
That's awesome!!! We're so happy for your guys! I'm sure it is so beautiful! We're trying to fenagle a way to come visit. Sorry to hear you got the bug. The twins have had it since arriving here in SLC Tues night. Welcome back to UT right?
I am so glad to hear about your place in Switzerland....So sorry to hear about your sick days! I hope you are all feeling better now!
Yay... we are excited you got the place with the scrapbook store!! So - you will be learning French? :) Glad you guys are on the mend - we hope to see you at Christmastime.
Switzerland looks like a beautiful place! Congrats on your pregnancy- you look fabulous! I linked to your blog through my sister's (Jodi). Hope you don't mind!
I am so excited for you guys. Can't wait to see all the pictures of you guys there.
What a great adventure. I am so excited for you.
I am sending your Christmas card to the same address as last year. I hope it will make it to the right place.
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