For those of you who want the tale of the fast and furious delivery ... Read on. Those who would rather skip the whole thing -- like my doctor -- then the important details are 6lb 10oz (3 kilos) and 18in (45cm) long. Born at 9:06am on Mar 10.
We entered the hospital at 7:50am that same morning. I had labored thru the night and told myself if the contractions started hurting, I'd go to the hospital. I had the best night's sleep I've had in a long time and about 6am I decided I was indeed in labor and we went to the hospital.
Disappointment quickly ensued after I arrived and the nurse declared I was dilated 1cm. What? That doesn't seem right. She left for 20min while my contractions registered on the machine at less than 2min apart. They got worse and the nurse came, checked, and declared no changes in dilation.
"This isn't making any sense!" I thought. "All this pain for nothing?" So she sent Dave downstairs to fill out paperwork and left me alone in my pain. I asked at this point if I could get an epidural, and she said yes, she'd go call the aenestesiologist. While she was away, I can't say I labored alone in silence, just alone. When she returned a few minutes later she checked again and declared, "Oh my, you are 7cm, we have no time for an epidural." Dreaded words! Not what I wanted to hear. And where was Dave? (He'd only been gone 10min.)
Whoosh. Water breaking. Nurse can feel baby's head and I'm 9cm. "You need to push," she says. I am terrified to try with no medicine. She insists that ain't gonna happen and then tells me pushing won't hurt as bad. "Yeah, right," I'm thinking, "I still have to get his head out."
Dave then walks into a room filled with commotion wondering what he missed. When I start pushing I realize the nurse was right about it hurting less. Ring of fire - here I come. About 6 pushes later, we have a new baby boy! It's over. What just happened? And where is the doctor?? She strolls in 5min later. Yeah, I guess second babies do deliver faster. Glad that's over. Glad he's here. All is well.
1 day ago
Congratulations!!! that's an awesome story!! (i had a similar experience, only i threatened everyone who came near that i'd jump out the window if they didn't give me an epidural :) Meredith will be so proud of you :) can't wait for pictures of your little swiss baby!
YAY! YAY! YAY! We are super duper excited and looking forward to pics!
I'll be there soon, with M&M's and all!
YAHOO!!! We're so excited for you! Sorry you had to do the "no anesthesia" thing! But if anyone could do it - it would be you Shir! Woman - hear you roar! We're anxious to see pictures and hear the little guy's name? How long will baby number 2 go nameless? We're giving you one week! :) We love you guys! And Happy Congrats! Enjoy every day they pamper you Shir!
Shirlee! Dave! This is AWESOME! I am so impressed that you totally went for it (not that you had a lot of other options...) ;) I hope that your little boy brings you mucho happiness. xoxox, ML
wow, that was a crazy story. so glad it happened nice and fast. and emily is right-- i AM proud of you! if anyone could go natural it's a tough rocker chick like you! can't wait to see pictures and hear the name!
WWWWooooaahhh! That beats any of our pregnancy stories! You go girl!
Missin' ya in Texas...
Steve and Ismari
Congrats! I was just chatting with Catherine and she told me your exciting news...and that you take forever to pick baby names. :) So do we. Hope all is well.
Wow, that is crazy! I'm glad you are doing well. What a woman to get through it without any medicine!
Congrads! So glad to hear there was atleast a nurse in the room :)
I still can't believe how fast you delivered and think that the nurse forgot to pull out the measuring stick for the first half hour of your hospital labor. You are quite the pioneer woman, now, having had this little guy with no epidural! Way to go Shirlee! Can't wait to see you with your new baby boy and big sister Maya.
Congratulations Shirlee! He is so adorable. Way to be a super women with no epidural. My second child didn't come that quick-you're lucky you didn't have him on the way to the hospital.
Congrats! Little Ethen is adorable and I'm glad all went well.
We are so happy for you guys, and little Ethen is adorable and wow, look at all that hair. My labors have all come twice as fast, although it will take me a ton of kids to get them that fast, the third was still 12 hours of labor. Good luck with everything!
Shir- Congrats! Hope you all are doing well.
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